Church Construction Services
with Architectural Expertise
SOA is a national Sub-Chapter “S” Corporation, established in 1997, striving to serve the Kingdom of God by assisting churches with facility planning, expansion, renovation, and maintenance. It is our desire to see churches growing and expanding their ministries, and it is our goal to assist them with properly and adequately serving their communities by ensuring their facilities are in optimal condition to house their ministry base and accommodate every present and future congregant.
SOA understands the importance of designing projects within a Church’s budget and also the need to adequately identify the space needs of a Church. SOA has developed a program that uses an analytical approach called the Space Plan Analysis to make data driven space recommendations based on the data provided by the Church.
Space Plan Analysis
SOA understands the importance of identifying the space needs of a Church and the best use of their current space. SOA has developed a program that uses an analytical approach called the Space Plan Analysis to make data driven space recommendations based on the data provided by the Church.
Contact our team to find out your Church’s recommend space needs.

Commıtted to Superıor Qualıty & Results
Led by Steven O. Aydelott, AIA, NCARB, SOA is dedicated to superior quality in architecture and construction, balancing professional rigor with spiritual mission. Our unique approach includes jobsite ministries that transform building sites into communities of faith, making every project an opportunity for spiritual engagement and architectural excellence. Discover our commitment to creating spaces that inspire both in structure and spirit.
Examples of Work
Designing & Building Churches
Many churches design elaborate and ornate facilities that often are too expensive to build or would require incurring large amounts of debt to complete. At SOA, we want to help churches be good stewards of their finances and resources, by designing and building comfortable and stylish spaces that accurately meet space needs without wasting dollars on overly lavish details that could be better used to reach people for Jesus Christ. With this goal in mind, we offer many financial benefits to churches that use our full Design-Build bundle, including a credit on architectural services once we enter the construction phase.

Reaching the Community Through Ministry
What Others Say
Our glowing client reviews spotlight our quality, knowledge, honestly, and excellence in Church construction and architectural services.